Thursday, March 24, 2011

Too many stories for a single post

Chapter one : I'm officially an uncle (since early March)

i'm not yet a husband or a dad, but now i know why everyone tell us to respect and love your mom...stress coyy!
gw aja yang blm jadi suami dari wanita manapun uda cukup bingung menjelang hari kelahiran my little princess Kayleen Cheryl Boentaran...bayangin ajee, jam 10 malem temenin enci gw buat check up ke RS gara2 perut dia kontraksi tiada henti...ngeliatnya pas check up aja uda ngilu, tiap kali kontraksi itu bener2 keliatan uda kaya perjuangan nahan sakit maag berkali - kali sakitnya dari maag biasa...kena maag aja uda males, ini plus ditendang dari dalem coyy...hahaha maybe that's why i feel a little bit lucky for being a man :))

biarpun selanjutnya gw ga ikutin proses persalinannya, tapi yang lewat di pikiran gw itu justru bukan proses persalinannya, tapi gimana detik2 jelang proses persalinannnya...gimana enci gw mesti tahan dari malem jam segitu sampe besoknya pas makan siang baru keluarnya setelah makan malem...serius dehh, for them who don't love your mom, think about how hard your mom when she tried to give you a breath of freedom...

 Chapter 2 : A damn transition
I've just moved to Gold Gym, not to be arrogant but i have to...belakangan ini gw bahkan ga pernah sempet buat nyolong2 waktu cabut ke PM kaya jamannya gw semester 3-4 dulu...kalo dulu ada jeda 2 jam pelajaran, hal pertama yang melintas pasti cabut ke PM terus balik lagi ke kampus buat ikut kelas...kalo sekarang?hahaha pertama niat gw uda ga sekuat dulu lagi dan kedua emang uda ga bs lagi tinggalin kampus gitu aja...
alhasil selama periode transisi ini gw yang ga bs pergi ke PM alhasil hanya bs menambah beban timbangan gw sampe plus 10 since my highest slim record...yang bs gw lakuin sekarang cmn satu ; Do my Diet  just like a year ago :) " my goal is 3 month to get my body as hard as rock :))    <-------------mimpi boleh dongg :)

Chapter 3 : I failed
Guys and all of my friends who read this Blog, do me a favor....Please, if you find me do something wrong and imperfect, or maybe i do something very horrible, just tell me the truth...tell me which part i did was wrong, talk to me face to face, and i don't mind if you tell it when everyone's watching as long as you don't get it personal... i must know what should i do and which part i must repair to help grow myself up... i prefer someone who complaining with explanation and suggestion to someone who tell me "Wow Drey!you are great, you did a very nice job...all you have done is perfectly done and your job is amazing!Good Job Drey!"
Seriously, i can't even give my worst smile when someone tell me i'm good when my heart says i'm not...

Chapter 4 : I am seriously dangerously in very confusing crossroad...
What i wanna be, what i will be, and what part i will check in....yes yes yes, someday i've got to choose because that's what life is about... (I really need Your Guidance Lord...)

Temporarily out, sure i'll be back in an unpredicted time...seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, or years?

Who knows :))

1 comment:

  1. First of all...congrats! Proud to be a big uncle, huh. Please show off and post a looot of ur niece pictures! I can't resist the thought of how cute she is xD Now you know why I always envy men, because they have bunch of benefits, just for being themselves (men). How could I get over my jealousy, life is not fair, right ;( However, should love your mom and respect her. She knows you since you were an embrio (WTH, I'm drunk hahaha...).
    I skip the second part, since I'm still as fat as always -_- I even wish I could have your motivation to lose weight. It'd be more than great for me lo lose like uhmmm...15kg.
    Moving to the last part, it is indeed hard to find someone who is willing and able to criticize. Plus, not every critic is a positive critic, which helps you to be a better person. It's not easy to give the right critic with the right dosage in the right time ;) but if you really need one, you know how to reach me.
    Last but not least, you don't have to choose someday, have to choose EVERYday! (I still have to learn about these too), but what I could tell you is the fact that we have too much worries and it hold us from our own goals.
    Fear not; for what you've done, what you do and what you're going to do make who you are now.
    Regret not; even if you failed, made mistakes and fall over (and) over again: you learn from them (:

    P.S. Happy Easter!

    Your lost friend, R.
