Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Some Questions For You

Harus dijawab yahh! (berlaku juga buat stalker-stalker yang gw tau baca ini blog tapi ga pernah mau comment)

1. Apa sih sukses menurut kalian?

2. Pilih mana : sukses tapi ga bahagia atau bahagia tapi ga sukses?
    (kayanya ini pertanyaan dari lu ya Ruth waktu itu?hehehe hayo jawab juga lu)

3. Arti hidup menurut definisi kalian?

4. Takdir dan keberuntungan, do you believe?

5. 3 kata atau kalimat simpel yang ingin orang kenang tentang anda?

gw akan ngejawab sendiri pertanyaan gw diatas setelah gw balik dari Carita this saturday..hopefully i don't get too tired to write my answer...jawab yah guyss, jawab yang kalian mau jawab aja ga semua gpp :)

i've answered it below


  1. okay i'll start my answer
    1. i describe success is a condition when i feel comfort with the situation, i feel like i needed with my ability, still feels grateful when i shouldn't be, i can see my family and friends happy with their own condition, can help everyone i care with my all, and above all, i am success when someday i can say to myself "This is enough"

    2. i choose the second one..not to be naive but what is life when you have everything you want except happiness?

    3. Life is a choice (i always say that). In another word, life for me is a temporary place, a bowl of humans who live in their way of live, a bowl of vegetables soup which there are many things inside; lettuce, carrots, chicken, meat, potatoes, celery, cabbage, onions, salt, pepper, etc which they are all different and never try to be everyone else. Someone loves them and someone are not in individually. But The only thing they do is they mixing up with each other, uniting each other and making a great taste of soup..what i wanna say that life is short, everyone know that. is it just too tiring when you want to be anyone else when you know that you can't? i don't say that we shouldn't change ourself to be a better person.that's not the point. The point is why do we have to change to be someone who we really want to be but it is against our heart, against who we really are..just be who you are, because you are matter, we are! for me, those word is hard to do, but it doesn't mean we can't right?

    4. There is fate when you believe it would happen, and there is luck when you try to make it happen

    5. Responsible, Reliable, and Matter

  2. hey i'll try to answer it by my own :)

    1. Sukses? hemm menurut gue sukses itu adalah suatu keadaan dimana lo merasa nyaman dengan kondisi lo, apapun itu meskipun kondisi terlihat ga ok, karena bagi gue sukses yg sebenernya itu kalo lo bs memenangkan perasaan lo atas keadaan yang ada, kalo lo ngerasa lo bad dalam satu situasi itu berarti u failed but as long as u enjoy it that is the real success is. seberapa besar kadar nyaman, aman, asyik, itu sukses lo.

    2.menurut gue sukses ama bahagia itu 2 sisi mata uang, lo ga bisa misahin keduanya. buat gue kalo lo itu sukses PASTI lo bahagia, dan kalo lo bahagia berarti lo sukses. :)

    3.hidup bagi gue sesuatu yang AMAZING. hidup itu anugerah,karunia. kadang manis kadang pahit. tapi asik. secara general definisinya ini, tapi hidup versi gue:
    "hidup itu kayak piano, punya banyak tuts yang masing2 tuts punya nada khusus tersendiri yang ga dimiliki tuts lain, ada yang nadanya rendah, medium, tinggi. dan kita ini sebagai pianist nya (read: penjalan kehidupan) dimana pas u teken tuts itu satu-satu, sendiri-sendiri pasti ga enak suaranya, kedengarannya sumbang, aneh. karena u cuma pake satu atau 2 jari u untuk tekan tuts, padahal jari2 u ada 10, dan emang ga gampang mainin piano dengan 10 jari dimana u mst bisa balance antara tempo, jari2, feeling, ketukan, dan mst bisa baca not juga even balok or angka, ada tanda2 tertentu dimana mst cepet, lambat, dan stop. s hal itu kayak hidup kita, kita ini penjalan kehidupan, kadang kita ngerasa "kok idup gue ga maksimal y?" ya mungkin karena u masi pake 2 jari doang buat teken tuts, susah emang 10 jari tapi itu PASTI BISA asal u mau usaha, asalkan lo mau explore potensi u dan kembangin itu, artinya dalam hidup itu kita mst berusaha! NO EFFORTS NO GAIN ampe akhirnya semuanya bisa harmonis, nada2 yg td kedengaran sumbang ternyata bisa kedengeran bagus setelah u compose akhirnya bisa hasilin lagu kehidupan yang luar biasa.:)

    4. takdir/hoki? idem nih buat gue 2 sisi koin. ga ada hoki yang kebetulan dan ga ada takdir yang karena hoki, hahaha

    5. an ordinary girl whose an extraordinary God.

    Those are my sights, honestly idk why have to put here..

    maybe it's too early to say:

    anyway HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY Andrey...!!
    I wish nothing but the best for u :)

    Merry early christmas and new year.

    (ps: maybe u dont know me, but i know u so well :p )

  3. woww whoever you are, thx to you Mr/Ms/Mrs Anonymous...thx for giving me new point of view from your answer and thanks for the wishes!
    walaupun gw ga tau who are u exactly tapi gw yakin gw pasti tau siapa u kalo sebut nama...hehe ya iyalah secara lu bs inget birthday gw kalo ga friend gw di facebook atau ga ya memang we are close friend right?hehehehe once again thx yak, and double thanks if you mention your name :p

  4. Found ur blog by clicking next-next-next blog :P
    and i see these questions which is i really FOND of answering questions in blog! woohoooo
    Lemme answer it yaaa, gatel pengen ngejawab even i don't know u at all :)

    1. Success for me is not escaping problems but facing them creatively, and succes is never ending.

    2. hmmm.. This questions for a moment confuses me!.
    But, for me there's a connection between two of it.
    The problem is on your mind, because every thought that goes into ur mind has an affect to some degree (try to read "kekuatan pikiran" by godefroy --> bkn promosi loh ).
    My point is happy people tend to make themself to be success, earn more money, hardwork etc. and sometimes people need happiness in the first place to achieve success.
    So, i can't choose one of it :P

    3. Life for me is just about laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live so just enjoy your life, don't be too ambitious.

    4. I DO I DO BELIEVE !
    You can't change your fate and every person has their own degree of luck.

    5. Humble, Witty, Ingenous

    Last but not least, remember that not to let your own problem become an excuse because a year fr now u may wish u had started today!

    Have a nice day!!
    *ps : if there's some questions to be answered let me know ya and i'm not ur stalker* HAHA

  5. heii what's up?? everything well i wish:)

    u r pleased, Andrey. i posted that just to speak up what my mind's hihi..

    hmm.. okay..
    first of all, why are u become curious bout me?
    is my name so important to you??
    hmm if u know who am i, what would u do?
    could u gimme some reasons why??

    i wish i had the guts to say, but i'll give u some clues about me, if u can 'guess who am i' i'll tell u the truth..

    first, i'm not a Mr/Mrs. im a girl :p
    second, i'm not you're close friend at all!!
    third, i'm not your school friend or childhood friend.

    wish with those clues, u can guess me who?
    happy investigation.. lol :p
