Saturday, September 8, 2012

Like it, Believe, and Do It

Hi Everyone, this post' made just because good mood is covering me right now and believe it or not maybe this is the first time i post a blog in the very afternoon hour..i believe i am unable to post something in the middle of the night anymore :)

First thing of all, it's a good start today! I'm telling you that this is the first time in the last 2 or 3 years i woke up at 6 'o clock in weekend. It's kinda miracle does happen! For everyone who knows me well, even my parents maybe it's a rare thing to see me eyes open @6 morning. So what's good on it?

This week is the first time my ID card (KTP i mean) is valid. Why? because it's shown on it that my work title is "Karyawan Swasta". Well, last week i couldn't hold those title because it's more likely to "Mahasiswa / Pelajar" or even worse " Pengangguran" (if there is..hehehe). And know it's valid!wkwkw (kalo ada orang gaul jakarta yang baca ini, mereka dengan sangat kejam dengan mata ngeliatin gw dari atas sampe bawah, mulut miring khas sinetron indonesia, dan suara bass yang bener2 niat dikeluarin dari pita suara mereka pasti akan ngomong "Trus, gw mesti bilang WOW gitu?!" I hate it! Lols )

But more than anything, i love this week and i have faith in my job. Maybe from now on, i couldn't share my feelings anymore about what i did and what i experienced in my job environment, not because i am not allowed to, but it's more to i don't want to.Well, it's kinda different for being Student and employee. What i wanna tell you guys, i have this passion same as 2 things i ever did. First when i join Accounting as my major, i was totally blind what accounting is. I'm from IPA for information (and please don't say those gaul words!). I remembered that i ever asked my friend why does cash increase in debet and why there are accounts that increase in credit. I spent months to find out those simple question. They always answer in journal logic that cash always increase in debet, and bla bla bla and bla bla bla. I simply just keep asking questions from their answers and again and again. I believe they hated me that time. but the point is, i find out how to manage my own question and i was able to understand it.

Second, about 20 kg body decrease. No gaul words please. I believe that it's a good thing i ever did and i smile when i remember it. I am telling you guys that it was not an easy thing to achieve yet there's so much commitment needed.

Maybe those things represent what i want to say. I am having a journey, a looong journey. I believe that this journey is not a simple journey. It takes rocky roads, unpaved one, and what i call challenging. Again, this journey is not something that human should avoid. Once we avoid this, it means we are not living. Life simply is a process, process is a transformation, transformation is what makes people live. I do believe that every transformation needs a start. It's not about what kind of start that we have, a good one or a less one. It's simply just that we have to do "Start". Once we do that, everything will come to us and that's why i like the "Life is a Choice" word. It depends on us. But whatever our choices are, just remember that in our life we need "Starts". Just start something because sometimes it needs a great courage to begin what we believe we need to.

Can we do it? Hell yeah guys! Let us start something!

1 comment:

  1. hi, dreey nice to see u again!!
    i love the way you talk and the way you think :)
    believe it or not, your blog is bring a changing for me, thank you Andrey... :))
    i cant explain what is that, but i promise u, someday in the right time and in the right place, i'll tell you what :)(i wish i have guts to say)hihihi...
    don't stop writing, cos u dont realized how many people be brighter cos of you..

    ps: Congratulation Andrey, you officially graduated and get a job...

    -Anonymous, your secret loyal reader :p
    *wait me for that 'someday' :))
