Monday, May 27, 2013

i miss U

2013 first post!

I'm not busy, i'm not lazy, i don't lose my internet connectivity, and i don't get my computer broken

It's just i almost forget that i have a blog...

8 months, and still continuing if i don't get this post done by tonight..i really wish that i'll get this done (though it will be a short one). By writing this post, i gotta tell you that tons of thing happened to me in this 8 month. Tons of problem, tons of pressure, and tons of new 'bad but good' life experience. I am now quiet eyes open what real life is

Well, i am telling you that i was too much enjoying my honeymoon time. 22 years. Too much, isn't it?
I am now 23 and i realize that 22 years of my life has been spent too comfortably. I used to say that i'm not a spoiled child. I used to proud of myself that i am the last child in my family but i'm not a spoiled one. I used to proud that i have never ask those expensive toys when i was a kid. I always have a usual one, the cheap one. The only expensive one i ever ask was just a remote control car when i was about 9, and i didn't ask more when it get broken. I used to proud that i have never be bought any cellphone by my parents even when i was junior high. I always spend my chinese new year angpao to buy that. And i used to proud of myself that i can make money when i was in university as a teacher of young students in elementary and junior high..

I said i used to...

This is gonna be a controversial statement from me, but try to read and think on the other sides. Try to understand that being a spoiled one somehow could be a good thing. Are you guys now squinting your eyes? Let me explain..

Everybody always have a negative thought to spoiled people. They always said that don't give your child everything, it will make them being spoiled and ask for more more and more. Well, that's what adults say and believe me adult should always do that to their child. But let's put our head to the child's. Do you think that they don't know that asking some toys from their parent is a risky one? Do you think that they don't know that they are taking a risk to be scolded by their parents? I have never been a spoiled child, but i believe that it's a risk they are taking. Is it worth to take those risks? It is. It is worth it that they at least know what they want and they speak. It is instead a comfort zone for those who don't ask that they are too afraid to get scolded.

All i want to say to you guys that sometimes being in comfort zone is not healthy. You have a lot of things you want to say and you want to do but you choose the "green zone" one. I said used to be proud of what i  did doesn't mean i don't proud of me. Sometimes you have to know what you want, tell them what you believe, and go for it until you get it. Being spoiled is not always a negative one as long as you know the purpose and how to get that. I, myself is still trying not to be at those "green zone" and i'm struggling. 2013 is not gonna be my year because i believe that this year is gonna be my stepping stone to the higher level. It is gonna be a really hard year, but it is worth it for the better year ahead.

However, I miss U...
I really miss U...
I really miss You God...

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